Request a 90-Day Trial Period for OTA/SDU Evaluation Server

OTA/SDU Evaluation Server

OTA/SDU (OTA = Over-the-Air, SDU = Secure Device Update) enables PKI-secured remote updates of networked devices with different architectures and resources. The individual update processes are fully automated or can be activated manually if required.

With OTA/SDU, updates of individual configuration data and software components through to complete version upgrades of firmware or an operating system can be realised.

The main component of OTA/SDU is an application server on the Internet that can be accessed by both a maintainer PC and the target devices to be updated. To evaluate the entire functionality, we offer every SSV customer with an OTA/SDU-capable device a free 90-day trial period.

Why do you need OTA/SDU?

Every company that brings hardware-based products with integrated software functions onto the market, regardless of whether it is a manufacturer or importer, needs a secure procedure for software updates.

In many cases, these updates cannot be carried out by an expert on site. The only alternative is then an over-the-air concept, such as OTA/SDU.

What tasks is OTA/SDU intended for?

Primarily for configuration and function changes as well as patching newly identified security gaps.

After all, effective cybersecurity is not possible at all without software updates.

Which devices can be integrated into OTA/SDU?

If software can be imported into a device via a digital interface, integration is generally possible. For example, a device with an RS485 interface and a proprietary update protocol can be integrated into OTA/SDU.

We offer individual OTA/SDU integration workshops as online meetings.
If you are interested, please contact our sales team to arrange a workshop date.

How does OTA/SDU work?

Figure 1: OTA/SDU scheme


1. Two special software tools, the SDU Signing Tool and the SDU Management Tool, are required on the maintainer PC. The SDU Signing Tool provides each individual update with a PKI-based digital signature. The SDU Management Tool can be used to upload the signed updates to the OTA/SDU server and save them there.


The updates uploaded by the maintainer PC are saved here with a versioning. The SDU server instance functionally forms an SDU server API endpoint on the Internet (see also the SDU API description on GitHub) and can be accessed by both the maintainer PC and the target device.


The integration of a target device into an OTA/SDU application requires an SDU Device Client (SDU DC). This software function installed on the target device ensures the connection to the OTA/SDU server, loads the updates from the server to the device, checks the digital signatures of new updates and ensures the installation of the update components.

Request a 90-Day Trial Period

Please fill out the form completely so that we can register you as a user and set up a free OTA/SDU server instance for a 90-day evaluation.

First name
Last name
Mobile phone
Serial number or MAC-address

We need the serial number or MAC-address of your OTA/SDU-capable SSV device (e.g. modules/boards from the DIL/NetPC or eSOM family, gateways, etc.).

After successful registration, we will set up your OTA/SDU server instance and send you a password-protected ZIP-file by e-mail.
This contains the configuration data and PKI certificates for the maintainer PC and the OTA/SDU-capable SSV device as well as links to the commissioning description and the required software tools.

You will then receive the password for the ZIP-file separately via SMS to the mobile phone number you have provided.


Do You Have Questions?

If you have any questions regarding registration, our sales team will be happy to help you!

Phone: +49(0)511 · 40 000-34



Dünenweg 5
30419 Hannover

Phone: +49(0)511 · 40 000-0
Fax: +49(0)511 · 40 000-40

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